The way people cast a play!
As if all cooks were fat, all farmers tough, all statesmen stately!
As if all lovers were pretty!
As if all great orators had beautiful voices!
Yes, this sort of Faust needs that sort of Mephistopheles,
But there are many different kinds of princes, even though they do have
One thing in common: they were all brought up to give orders;
In that respect even Hamlet is but a prince among thousands.
The most idiotic this is to cast according to physical
Characteristics. “That actor looks like a king.” What
Does that mean? Must all kings look like Edward VII?
“This one here has a commanding presence.“ How many ways of commanding
Are there? “That woman is too noble-looking to play
Mother Courage.“ Too noble? Go look at the fishwives.

#Bertolt_Brecht on casting a play